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Does Your Unit Need Emergency HVAC Repair

Does Your Unit Need Emergency HVAC Repair

No one likes to expend their hard-earned money on emergency HVAC repairs. The best way to save off the need for emergency repairs is to take adequate care of your HVAC system with regular maintenance and tune-ups. First, however, it’s vital to comprehend when an emergency repair may be required.

By being familiar with a few of the most common indications that you need urgent HVAC repair, you can act promptly and contact a skilled HVAC contractor near me for help when significant problems arise. 

You Smell Something Strange

Air conditioning systems in good working order should never give off a foul odor. A burnt smell coming from your HVAC unit is not a good sign and could imply a chemical leak or a significant electrical problem. If you smell something strange, cut off power to the air conditioning system and reach your local HVAC emergency repair expert.

Air Conditioning Vents Are Blowing Warm Air

It’s annoying when your AC is only releasing warm air, making you uncomfortable. When this happens, contacting an AC specialist is almost always required. Occasionally, the issue could be a damaged air compressor, or a simple jam in your vents could be to blame. However, you’ll require an HVAC consultant to fix all such issues.

HVAC Rapid Cycling

If you’re noticing that your AC seems to be turning on and off more often than usual, this could imply that you have an issue with your thermostat or with the electrical connection on your air conditioning unit. You must have this checked out by an authorized HVAC machinist as soon as possible.

The AC Isn’t Working

It might sound quite obvious, but if you’ve tried the basic easy fixes like examining the thermostat settings and battery, ensuring the power is working, and replacing the air filter, then it’s time to shut the air conditioning system down entirely before further damage to the cooling unit occurs. An expert can then analyze and repair the unit before it gets turned back on. One of the leading causes of this problem may be that you did not hire a professional for the AC installation Atlantic Beach FL.

Ice is Forming on the AC 

Visible ice forming on your AC and the outdoor compressor unit can indicate that the unit’s evaporator coils are not functioning correctly. This can occur when you have a clothed air filter, dirt, or a leak. This has to be fixed promptly as ice buildup can quickly damage the rest of the cooling system.

Odd Smells From Vents

Odd smells coming from your air conditioning system or your vents while the air conditioner is running need to be examined by an HVAC expert. These can be the result of anything from debris buildup to dead creatures in your ductwork.

Tripped Circuit Breaker

If your AC seems to be repeatedly tripping your home’s circuit breaker, this is not something you should not dismiss. This could be the sign of some severe electrical problem either with your electrical panel or the air conditioning unit itself. It’s best to have this issue checked by scheduling an air conditioning repair in Atlantic beach as soon as possible to avoid the danger of an electrical fire.

Island Heating and Air Conditioning are one of the best HVAC contractors near meCall us now at (904)-333-6749 or drop an email at!